EPISODE 2 RECAP - "The Origin" | Voltes V: Legacy | ENGLISH AUDIENCE

 EPISODE 2 RECAP - "The Origin" | Voltes V: Legacy | ENGLISH AUDIENCE

Hrothgar and his fellow slaves finally reach the spaceship hangars, but their path is blocked by Boazanian soldiers. A fight breaks out, and Hrothgar manages to get into one ship while Magus and the other slaves get into another. As they take off, fighter ships pursue them over the capital city.

Unfortunately, Magus’ ship is hit and badly damaged. He pleads with Hrothgar to go on without them, but Hrothgar refuses to leave them behind. Magus insists that Hrothgar is their only hope, so he must survive. Magus’ ship explodes, leaving Hrothgar to vow to return and free the alipins.

As Hrothgar flies through space, he reflects on his past. He remembers speaking with his mother Fadsa and Doctor Baden about his desire to help the slaves despite the potential repercussions from other maharlikas. Hrothgar reveals that he, too, is an alipin, and yanks his horns off to prove it. Rozalia witnesses this and is shocked but ultimately decides to stay with Hrothgar.

Suddenly, Hrothgar is jolted awake from his flashback when the ship’s alarms go off. He finds himself in an asteroid field and must quickly maneuver his way to safety. Unfortunately, the ship hits an asteroid, and Hrothgar begins a freefall toward Earth. He crashes into the water, and a woman finds him on the beach.

Hrothgar, who speaks in Boazanian, presses a button behind his ear and is now able to speak perfect Tagalog. The woman is shocked to see an alien and tries to help him. Meanwhile, Baron Zander is searching for Hrothgar on other planets, but so far, there's no sign of him. Zambojil orders his forces to kill every being on Helios as a warning to others who might harbor Hrothgar.

On Earth, Hrothgar wakes up in an isolation unit on a Philippine military base. When he tries to get up, a soldier shoots at his arm. The woman who saved him, Dr. Mary Ann, comes to his aid and orders the soldiers to stand down. She is fascinated by Hrothgar and introduces him to Dr. Richard Smith and Colonel Oscar Robinson at the New Defense Group headquarters.

Hrothgar warns them of the impending Boazanian invasion and says that Earth's current defenses are no match for them. He suggests they work together to develop a new form of defense against the aliens.

In my opinion, this episode had an intense and action-packed storyline. It was exciting to see Hrothgar and his fellow slaves fight their way through the Boazanian soldiers and escape in the spaceships. I was on the edge of my seat during the chase scene through the capital city.

The flashback scenes added depth to Hrothgar's character and revealed more about his motivations for helping the slaves. I also appreciated Rozalia's loyalty and support for Hrothgar despite his revelation.

The crash landing on Earth was unexpected, and I enjoyed seeing Hrothgar interact with humans for the first time. The language translation device was a clever addition to the story, and it was interesting to see how the humans reacted to Hrothgar.

The scene where the soldier shot at Hrothgar's arm was shocking and showed the immediate distrust humans have towards aliens. However, Dr. Mary Ann's curiosity and openness to Hrothgar's culture and language was refreshing.

Overall, this episode sets up an exciting premise for future episodes. The impending Boazanian invasion and Hrothgar's efforts to defend Earth.

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